Things to know before getting a body massage therapy
Sometimes we expect a lot and commit a little. It does not go in our favor in many situations. Same thing happens when you have to go for a body massage therapy session. We expect a lot from the massage session, but we hesitate to follow the massage rules. In return, it affects our body. In this blog, you will read about some important things to know before body massage therapy. These tips before getting a massage will help you know the dos and don’ts before massage.
There are two situations before going to a body massage.
1. When you are booking the massage therapy appointment.
2. When you are ready to go for the massage therapy
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Both the points are important as they are going to massage therapy session more relaxing. Let’s see what these are.
Things to know before and while booking a body massage therapy session
1. Knowledge of body massage types –
When you have made your mood to go for a massage, then you must know the various types of body massage. Some massages are for mental stress relief and some are for body strain relief. Some are for both. You must do a research about the massage benefits for both physical and mental health. In case you already know these things then it’s a time saver for you.
2. Knowledge about massage type preference –
Now if you know about the massage types and benefits, it’s time to select the best suit for you. It could be a full body massage, oil massage, powder massage, hot towel massage, acupressure massage or any other kind of massage. Also you should confirm that the massage company has the massage materials available. If not then check for the alternatives as you prefer. Or you can schedule it later when they have the materials available. Also tell whether you want massage by male or female. There are various massage. Like male to male body massage, male to female, female to male or female to female. Or talk to them, you can get more options available with them.
3. Pre-select your preferred massage therapist –
If you know your massage therapist and you want to get service by him/her again then tell it to the massage company. Also tell them about the time when you want the massage. The massage company will adjust their schedules to match with yours.
4. Discuss about the charges and duration –
You must confirm the rates and the service taxes. There are always some hidden charges or added service charges. Make sure they will provide proper billing documents after the payment and service. Or else, you can get a shock of your life.
5. Don’t go if having sick or contagious condition –
This is the crucial point you must look at. Some people believe that getting a massage therapy session will cure them when sick. Don’t go for massage if you are sick or have a contagious condition . Make sure you consult your physician first. Take proper medication and ask the physician whether it’s safe for you to indulge in a massage or not. Do as prescribed. Also discuss it with the massage company and see what they say about it.
6. Take a break from your problems –
As I told you massage needs some commitment and dedication. You must take a break from the life problems, work related issues or any other. Massage works well when you are not surrounded with external problems. All your focus should be on making your massage session happy and beneficial. After the massage session you will actually feel the positives vibes around you. You will feel more energetic and ready to deal with the real life problems.
These were some points you must know and discuss while booking the appointment. It will help you in getting a more focused service. Now, ere are some points to keep in mind after you have booked the massage appointment.
Things to know before body massage therapy session
7. Drink plenty of water –
Drinking water is always beneficial for a human body. It keeps your body hydrated always. Your muscle tissues and cells can get dehydrated during the massage session. It is advisable to drink at least 4 liters of water a day. Start this practice at least before two days of appointment. Drinking water before massage will help to release wastes completely from your body. Drink water after massage too. It will fulfill the water need of muscle tissues lost during massage session.
8. Don’t smoke a few days before –
Even a child knows the effects of smoking, it makes the way to your life’s end. If you are smoking even after knowing this then stop it completely 4 -5 days or a week before the massage. Massage helps your body to release wastes and toxin through muscle tissues and pores. Smoking blocks these pores with wastes and their odour. So don’t smoke before massage. Let your body release the toxins and fill with the natural odour of your body.
9. Take nutrient rich food –
Take care of your food habits and intake proportion. Avoid eating fast foods and oily things. Instead you can eat fruits, green vegetables, juices and fresh homemade food. Also eat in limited proportion, don’t overload you stomach, it could lead to indigestion. After body massage, your body will need food nutrients to fulfill the energy lost. If you don’t provide the needs, it will affect you body.
10. Avoid caffeine and alcohol –
It’s better if you avoid caffeine on the massage day, or if you want then take it 4-6 hours before massage. Caffeine can make your body restless, can add a lagging ability. You need to be in full active mode if you want the massage to be fruitful for you. The same goes for alcohol; it’s advisable to avoid alcohol on the day of appointment.
11. Take a warm shower –
As you know massage helps your body to release metabolic wastes and toxins from your body. Taking a warm shower before massage will help in massage. Warm water or steam bath will open the closed pores of your skin. It allows your skin to get enough oxygen and helps in full blood circulation. Also taking a shower will give a freshness needed during massage therapy.
12. Follow gym workout rules –
If you are doing workouts in gym or any fitness center, avoid heavy workouts. Do light exercises to avoid any kind of strain or injury before massage. You must discuss it with you trainer so that he/she can advice you best suited workouts to do before and after massage.
13. Plan your timing, don’t rush –
After booking the appointment for massage, plan to get plenty of time for yourself. Don’t hurry or make close work timings with massage. This won’t help you get the full benefits of body massage; you will only waste your time and money.
14. Remove excess hair on your body –
Ok, this one sounds awkward but it’s important. If you have excess hairs on your body, make sure you remove the excess hairs. It will make both of you comfortable – you and the massage therapist. Massage therapy is a process of rubbing, pinching and applying pressure on body. Excess hairs will hurt your muscles while the process. So it’s better to remove excess hairs.
15. Talk about surgeries and injuries –
If you have undergone any surgery or had any injury, you must tell these things to the massage therapist. The therapist will take care of the surgeries and injuries, and will make sure to not to get you hurt. If you don’t discuss it at the time of massage, you are risking yourself. It will only worsen the injuries and may be future surgeries. So please take care of it.
Conclusion – things to know before body massage
You read above about some massage rules and tips before getting a massage therapy . These points will help you enjoy the full massage session and get the fruitful benefits of it. Also your knowledge will increase, and you will find a new way to take care of yourself and your loved ones. and therapist.
Phillips Body Massage provides male to male body massage in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Pune, Jaipur, Bangalore, Chennai, Goa, Hyderabad and Agra. We always go through these situations. Our clients always tell their stories of massage booking and preparing for it. It’s a really nice experience for us too. We are happy that we are able to contribute to our society with our services.
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